
Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Special posts decided by you !!!

To all of you that follow us on twitter @WorldSportNews3 will know that we had planned to do a special blog when we reached 1500 views. Well we surpassed 1500 views yesterday and we have nearly reached 1700 but due to some unexpected circumstances we are not able to do our special blog so we will instead do a special blog at 3000 views. For those who are disappointed by this we are sorry but to make it up to you we will be doing special posts for anyone interested. All you have to do is comment on one of our blogs your name and what you would like us to talk about. This really is up to you, we will talk about anything you wish from transfer news to giving a shout out for your blog. We will post our blogs for you as soon as we can and it should be within a day of you commenting us.


  1. Hi I am a life long Juventus fan living in England, because I don't have many other friends who support Juventus I would like to know who is your favourite ever legend who played for Juve ?


  2. Hi Vincenzo, I am a Juventus fan living in England as well and I also face the same problem as you ! I will publish who my favourite legend for Juve was in around an hour so stay tuned and I hope you enjoy.
